“We just had a marriage ceremony with 150 dogs.”
I am assuming, give the barking taking place all over the casino, that by dogs she was referring to the animals’ species, not the brides’ appearances. We were in Vegas celebrating our 15 year anniversary, and deciding whether to renew our vows at the Cosmo’s pop-up wedding chapel. It had the fun, funky vibe we were looking for. But somehow we couldn’t really work up the energy or motivation to pay $125 for a fake wedding vow renewal. Maybe if Elvis had been the minister. We were living in England on our first anniversary. So we used the occasion to stay on the grounds of a nearby National Trust property, Cliveden House. Our cottage was down on the banks of the Thames, and we had to drive up a dark, dirt road to get to dinner at the restaurant in the main house. Give my husband a secret door anywhere and he is happy. So, to be seated next to one during dinner was his idea of perfect romance. Mine, though, was having a private dessert served to us in the library. While waiting for what turned out to be a plate decorated with Happy Anniversary in chocolate, we scanned the books on the shelves. One that we picked up, a biography written by Cornelius Vanderbilt Jr., my husband gave me as a gift on our 2nd anniversary:>) At the end of the evening it was either the wine, the fact that I am legally blind without my contact lenses, or that we were in a 200 year old cottage, but I woke up in the night convinced there was a ghost in the room. Not all anniversaries are this memorable or relaxed. And, I think in many ways anniversaries are much like New Year’s Eve- the expectations can be a set up for failure. Yet, as I read more about the doggie weddings I imagined their owners dreaming up something even grander for future anniversaries. The good news is that the pups won’t feel this pressure. They will simply be surprised by a full day of treats and attention. It could be a great model for how I to handle my own anniversaries in the future. Have you celebrated an anniversary recently? What did you do to mark the occasion? I love hearing from my readers. And to prove it I will be giving away a copy of my book, UNTANGLING THE KNOT, to one lucky commenter in October. Leave a comment for any of my blog posts and at the end of each month I will randomly select one visitor/commenter to receive a free download of my book. (Note: winner will be notified by a reply linked to their original comment…. Check back at the end of the month for directions on how to claim your prize!) NOTE: September is now over; thanks to everyone for your fun comments. I have chosen the winner of BETTING JESSICA from the names of those who commented during the month. Congratulations JENNY HANSEN. Please send me and email at dwilstedauthor (at) outlook (dot) com and let me know where I can send your digital copy:>)
“…through dedication and love…”
The wind whipped the white cloth hung from the makeshift marquee, obscuring and then revealing the bride and groom who stood underneath it. Over the roar of the ocean we could just barely make out some of the words the minister was saying. But, in any case, the iconic scene did not require words for interpretation. It matters not whether the wedding takes place in a church, on a beach or in a town hall. Anymore, it is possible to see all sorts of colors in the wedding dress. And the cliché wedding topper of the bride and groom has been replaced by all sorts of cake decorations (not to mention the possibility of two grooms or two brides). So what is it then that in an instant captures the essence of the moment so purely that anyone observing knows a union is taking place? Somewhere in the forests of southern Oregon, known as OR-7, wanders far from the spot where he was born (in Eastern Oregon). Romantics like to think he is searching for a mate, something wolves are known to do. But it is a long trek for a wolf, west of the Cascades, where there has not been a confirmed sighting of a wolf since 1937. (Find more at OPB here.) Mating, by definition, is a social endeavor. Weddings were created to reflect this. It might be sacred vows repeated in front of 400 people, or hand-written vows said in front of those most loved by the couple. Either way, we know a wedding when we see two people, standing up in front of a group, sharing their love in a public way. In four weeks my husband and I celebrate our 15 year anniversary. For our fifth we repeated our vows. For our tenth we re-visited the church where we were wed. And this time we plan to get away to Las Vegas for some couple time. We decided that since we would be there we would, tongue in cheek, renew our vows at a drive-thru wedding chapel. While this started as a funny thing to do, there is something about celebrating our 15 years in the wedding capitol of the world that feels meaningful in a new way. If the wedding celebrates the promises at the beginning, then the renewal surely pays homage to the love and dedication it takes to make them last along the way. And what better message could there be to share with all of those just starting off on their journey? Have you done anything fun to celebrate a special anniversary? I love hearing from my readers. And to prove it I’m giving away a copy of my book BETTING JESSICA to one lucky commenter during the month of September. Leave a comment for any of my blog posts and at the end of each month I will randomly select one visitor/commenter to receive a free download of my book. (Note: winner will be notified by a reply linked to their original comment…. Check back at the end of the month for directions on how to claim your prize!) |
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June 2020