“What kind of law do you practice?”
“Criminal, though it’s not as exciting as they show on TV.” Jobs are kind of like that. When we are young we dream of being a firefighter or teacher or dolphin trainer, and in some cases even end up in these ‘dream’ jobs. Only to realize that a lot of firefighting is keeping the truck clean, that teaching is about having the energy to break up petty arguments even while fighting a headache and dolphin training is… okay, I still think dolphin training would be pretty cool (other than the always smelling like dead fish thing). Writing is similar. It is 12:25 and I just realized that life got in the way of my doing my blog today. So, rather than work on my new story (which is eating me up inside) I flipped to my blog mode and began to write this. Yesterday I spent my writing hours visiting and revising the commas and semicolons in BETTING JESSICA (which I hope to finish revising and re-release by the end of next week!) The day before my writing consisted of emails among my writing group. The day before??? I didn’t even try to write at all. I suppose it is not a surprise I am not setting myself up for retirement with this yet. A blank screen waits for me when I can find a moment away from marketing, editing or planning (not to mention mothering)…. And every writer knows that there is nothing more daunting than a blank screen. On tv writers are a bit nutty. They usually smoke and drink a lot, stay up late typing page after page from some guttural place deep inside themselves. In case my readers wonder, this is not me. I am annoyed when a story comes to me in the middle of the night, and only grudgingly leave my warm bed to get up and capture the essence of it before stumbling back to bed. I am far more likely to be sipping a coffee while writing than a drink (though perhaps I should try this)… and unless I am PMS-ing my deep, emotional scenes typically come from a place of quiet reflection, prayer and meditation rather than angst. At the same time, sometimes it is easy to forget that I am living the dream… My life may not always be exciting enough to film, but I am forever grateful to each of my readers for letting me stick with this business of writing. I hope each of you is fortunate enough in your life to be doing your dream job as well.
“So I guess you heard about the changes?”
Uh oh… this wasn’t good. Everyone knows how I feel about change; and lately it has been coming at me fast and furious. In this case I had taken a vacation and once again my Starbucks was upsetting the apple cart. The last time this happened I returned from my trip to find the whole store remodeled…. My favorite chairs were missing and everything seemed out of place. It threw me for a while, but eventually I grew to appreciate the counter where I could sit and watch them make coffee drinks or the tall tables in the corner by the windows. So, I am sure over time this new change will grow on me also. But, I should warn you, that it will probably affect you as well; because, in this case, it is the baristas who are changing. These people have become my friends… and more importantly have provided my very best overhears. Allow me to demonstrate: “I like to keep my washboard abs covered…. I don’t want to be that guy.” “That’s where you find the unarmed bobble-head.” “They should require everyone to work a service job at some point in their life.” “I’m ready to retire before I’ve even started my career.” and my all-time favorite… “Good fore-noon to you!” To all of my Starbucks friends who are moving on to greener pastures you should know, just like the comfy green chairs… you will be missed. |
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June 2020