"I don't know if you heard that she died." No, no, I hadn't heard. Yesterday I learned that the wife of one of my Barista friends died in February, leaving behind her husband and two children (one of whom was born just before she died). I am so overwhelmed with their loss. And though I know they have a ton of support, I wish I had heard earlier so that I could have attended the funeral, or offered more timely condolences, or… something. This is the very most difficult part of death for me- accepting that none of us can overcome it; none of us can take it away. My friend is a strong, strong person with great faith and so I know he and the children will be okay. From him perhaps I can learn that truly Death has no victory, Hell has no sting. I am shy with my faith, reticent to share my beliefs with others. But I have to say here that this is why I am Catholic... I know that the things I am ashamed of have no power to take away my life and that through Grace every single one of us can be who we are without fear, either in this life or what comes after. I am so grateful that for me, there is an example of living beyond this life. But I also believe it doesn't matter, God... a higher being, Yahweh, or whatever it is named will welcome each of us across this uncontrollable milestone. This powerful song reminds me that we have nothing to fear. Whatever your religion, please be my friend and listen to this. It is the one gift I know my friend would want.
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June 2020